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  • New York City Educational Article of the Month - What is Integrated Pest Management?

What is Integrated Pest Management?

Integrated Pest Management quite simply put is the control of pest on agricultural produce. On a wider spectrum, it is the accommodation of practices for the economic limitation and curbing of harmful pesticides used, and substituting it for less harmful methods in the alleviation of pest. It deals with the suppression of the New York City pest population below the economic injury level otherwise known as ‘’E.I.L’’. A well-Integrated Management Programme should involve the prevention, monitoring and control of pest. Such integrated pest management techniques and tactics include the cultural, biological and structural methods engaged to control such pest(s). There are six Integrated Pest Management Programmes namely; Monitoring, Prevention, Information, Operation, Tactics and finally Evaluation. Briefly explained below.

MONITORING: These are regular examinations and investigations on the types of pest, level of infestation found on different sites
PREVENTION: Preventive measures such anticipating or planning ahead, must be incorporated into sites for the control of New York pest in an Integrated Pest Management Programme.
INFORMATION: This is the establishment of trends, patterns and flow of pest outburst or outbreaks. Information recorded should consist of the identification of pest, population size, distribution and trend. It should also include recommendation for the prevention and control of such pest(s).
OPERATION: There is no such thing as total eradication of New York City pest(s). It can only be alleviated. An action level that requires remedial action for human health and other economic factors.
TACTICS: Using the Integrated Pest Management Scheme, Chemicals should be avoided at all cost and be only used as a last resort. If ventured used as a last resort, it should be a pesticide chosen and applied with the least toxic chemical components to minimize exposure to humans and other organisms alike.
EVALUATION: A frequent assessment and review program is important for the determination of the success as well as failure of New York City pest management strategies and tactics. This could help for future improvements.

• Reduced health risk to humans
• With reduced usage of chemicals it stops pest to form a resistance to pesticides
• With reduced usage of chemicals it prevents danger to non-targeted useful organisms and New York animals directly or indirectly involved with such plants

However, with all these said it has a few disadvantages namely:
• It is relatively more expensive to adopt compared to pesticides.
• It has more workload and demands
• It involves a lot of careful planning and decision making

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